This product is a corkscrew that can be used to open caps of wine bottles. It is as big as my palm and it is red and silver in colour. It is made up of gears covered by the movable red portion. There are two handles at the side. Pushing the tip downwards will anchor it in the cap. The tip can be turned to slowly remove the bottle caps. The end is shaped like a drill and it is very sharp.
What must be taken into consideration? The product must be compact so it is easy to use. It must also be attractive so the aesthetics is important in this case. The end of the corkscrew should be sharp; however, it must not hurt the user. Therefore, a red portion is inserted to keep the device in place as well as a sort of protection from the sharp end of the product.
The elderly will not face any difficulty using this simple machine. However, they may injure themselves if they are not careful enough. Therefore, there should be more protection on the sharp end of the product. Furthermore, the two metal handles are capable of potentially injuring the user too.

This is an improved version of the corkscrew. There is a small cap attached to the movable red portion to cover the sharp end of the corkscrew to prevent the elderly from being cut or injured potentially. There are pads that acts like cushion on the two metal handles. If someone accidentally places their finger between the red portion and handle, and supposedly the metal handle were to fall and hit the finger, the pads will act as a soft protective cushion that will reduce the risk of a severed or bruised finger. There will also be a piece of plastic. It covers the sharp teeth of gears so the elderly will not cut themselves in the process of using the corkscrew. This new design will minimize any possibilities of injury and thus become safer for usage.
Clear explanation, but picture a bit unclear. Other than that, it is quite good! :D